Water Rate Resoulution

Currency floating away on water
- 3/4 inch service : Impact fee $2500.00 Hookup fee $1500.00 $40.00 base with 6000 gallons.
- 1 inch service: Impact fee $3500.00 Hookup fee $1800.00 $52.00 base with 8000 gallons.
- AFTER THE BASE USEAGE 6,001- 100,000 IS A $1.80 PER 1,000
- 100,001- 500,000 IS A $1.83 PER 1,000
- 500,000+ IS A $1.85 PER 1,000
- Commercial overage is $2.87 per 1000
- Industrial connections must have board approval.
- JWID Rate Sheet 2021.pdf
- Rate resoulution signatures.pdf